If you live in the Cities of Cupertino, Saratoga, Los Altos Hills or in the unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County and you are going to be away from your residence/business, you can request a deputy to check on your property while you are away. Just fill out the form below and we will notify the deputies in your area to check your property. While every effort is made to fulfill every patrol check request, higher priority calls will take priority. Name (Requestor Information) Street Address City Cross Street Phone Number Email Enter date & time (am/pm) of your departure Enter date & time (am/pm) of your departure: Date Enter date & time (am/pm) of your departure: Time Enter the date & time (am/pm) of your return Enter the date & time (am/pm) of your return: Date Enter the date & time (am/pm) of your return: Time Name (Emergency Contact Information) Relationship Phone Email Do you have automatic security lights? Yes No Do you have a home security alarm? Yes No If you have an alarm, what is your alarm company and their contact information? If you have left any vehicles parked in your driveway, please describe them with make/model/color. Are there any pets on the property? Yes No If you have left any pets, please describe them and where they are located. Additional Information Leave this field blank