Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

(PREA 115.22)

The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office (SCCSO) has ZERO TOLERANCE for all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment within its jail facilities in compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination (PREA) Act of 2003. Inmates who experience these types of behaviors are strongly encouraged to report the behavior, as it will be investigated thoroughly and completely, whether criminally or administratively, whichever is most appropriate. It is the policy of the Sheriff’s Office to respond to and investigate all alleged incidents of a sexual nature. Every reported incident of a sexual nature will be taken seriously, investigated fully, and appropriate action will be taken as warranted, according to federal PREA standards.


PREA Third Party Reporting Form

Anyone outside the jail (family, friends, acquaintances, etc.) may report on behalf of any inmate by completing an online PREA Third Party Reporting Form.

PREA Third Party Reporting Form

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