Drivers Training Center
The Drivers Training Center (DTC) is one of our newest facilities, located at the Office of the Sheriff’s Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) in Morgan Hill, California. In line with the California POST SAFE Driving Campaign, the construction of this facility was a strategic initiative of the Sheriff’s Office to reduce the number of law enforcement officers killed or injured in traffic collisions nationwide.
The Drivers Training Center fills a critical need for first responder training through an enhanced training program for the Sheriff’s Office staff and other law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and EMS personnel.
This facility opened in Spring 2019, and is now open to outside agencies. The classes we currently offer at the DTC are as below.
Drivers Related Classes
Driver Awareness Instructor (DAI) Course - 24 Hours
This course is designed to meet the California POST requirements for Driver Awareness Instructor training (D.A.I.). This course provides instruction in developing a suitable training site, obtaining necessary equipment, and scheduling and instructing driver awareness training classes. Students will experience oversteer, understeer, proper lane positioning, apexing, good visual horizon and symptoms of incorrect control and corrective action. The driver training will enhance the safety and raise the level of skills to help instructors return to their respective agencies and implement a comprehensive driving course.
Driver Training Instructor (DTI) Course – 40 Hours
This course is designed to meet the California POST requirements for Driver Training Instructor (D.T.I.). This course satisfies driving training instructor content requirements for POST courses, and includes coverage of pursuit driving, emergency vehicle operations, adult learning theories, defensive driving techniques, design and management of a driving course, and student evaluation techniques.
Driver Training (EVOC) Update – 4 Hours
This driving course is designed to provide attendees with requisite training of Driver Training/Awareness including: Basic Driving Principles, Legal and Moral Aspects, Defensive Driving and Maneuvering Course Exercises. This class meets the California POST PSP driving requirements.
Motorcycle Training - 80 Hours
This course will meet all mandates and requirements as set forth by California POST. The course will teach basic motor skills, judgment, safety, proficiency and patrol procedures for the on and off road gas/zero emission motorcycle trainee to become qualified as a dual-purpose motor officer.
Motorcycle Training Instructor - 80 Hours
The course is designed to train experienced motorcycle officers to serve as instructors in teaching safe patrol motorcycle skills. This course allows the student to teach all facets of motorcycle operations relating to cone patterns, evasive manuevers, braking control, and solo and pairs riding. Students will also learn adult learning theories and training techniques. Students must demonstrate an ability to teach motorcycle riding skills.
Pre-requisite: Must successfully have completed POST Basic Motorcycle Training.
Vehicle Stops, Advanced - 8 Hours
This class covers Vehicle Stops, specifically Pursuit Avoidance Techniques (PAT). A (PAT) is a low-speed vehicle stop maneuver that is designed to safely block the path of a vehicle which may try to flee upon an attempted apprehension of the occupants of the vehicle thereby avoiding a pursuit. The PAT maneuver should only be used by teams/units that have been trained in these techniques.