Legislative, Contracts and Analysis Unit

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The Sheriff's Office Legislative, Contracts and Analysis Unit is part of the Administrative Division and plays a critical role for the organization by managing contracts and grants throughout their lifecycle. The unit:

  • Collaborates with the County's Procurement Department to release solicitations and establish new agreements. Solicitations include but are not limited to Invitations to Bid (ITBs), Informal Competitive Procurements (ICPs), Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs).
  • Conducts market research and analysis of data related to procurement of goods and/or services to justify departments' acquisition requests.
  • Manages and administers direct service agreements with contractors, revenue agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with other agencies, and other Board approved contracts.
  • Works in partnership with County Counsel and contractors to create and renew agreements.
  • Ensures all agreements comply with Chapter 5 of the Board of Supervisors (BOS) Policy.
  • Prepares and submits Board transmittals in the form of legislative files to bring agreements, ordinances, Board referrals and other reports for BOS consideration and/or approval.
  • Regularly monitors BOS and its sub-committees' meeting proceedings to address current and future requirements.
  • Works together with command staff on the submission and management of grant applications, including status and financial reports.
  • Addresses vendor inquiries regarding contract terms.​

Legislative, Contracts and Analysis Unit
55 W. Younger Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110
Phone: (408) 808-4900​

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